
A new concept of work in the kitchen

Frying becomes quick, easy and waste-free The Baron Evo Fryer technology means you can fry your food to perfection by using the recipes (pre-set or input by the user).


Optional adjustment of the basic settings and real-time tank temperature display. Possibility of setting the melting phase.


Operating menu display with
cooking time indications for
the selected recipe and tank
temperature indication.


Optional automatic selection from pre-set, tried and tested recipes which can be stored by the user. Easy recipe search using real, clear images.


Machine settings menu in which to define the base frying settings. With the Oil Care program, it is possible to check the state of the oil based on the actual usage time.


Sistema integrato di  CARICO - SCARICO - FILTRAGGIO olio caldo fino a 180°


Alzacestelli Automatico 

Precision Control and Advanced Features

The control panel with 7″ high resolution Touch screen display allows intuitive management of the cooking temperature, ensuring an accuracy of ± 1°C.Thanks to its 35 pre-set programmes, the operator can easily select the type, quantity and temperature of the product to be fried, guaranteeing customised and high-quality cooking.

Customisable recipes

Customise and optimise your recipes and obtain impeccable results all the time. Managing cooking time, oil temperature and DELTA temperature with the Evo Fryer has never been so easy.

The DELTA T is particularly useful for ensuring compatibility between the various recipes, guaranteeing uniform and precise cooking. Plus, you are free to customise each recipe with a unique name, making it easier to recognise and manage your culinary creations.

For greater clarity and convenience, you can also associate a representative image with each recipe, allowing for quick visual reference when preparing your favourite dishes.

Oil Care

The Oil Care function of the Evo Fryer keeps track of the oil’s cooking hours and monitors its quality.

This allows for a precise count of the oil usage time, thus ensuring a more effective and preventive management of its replacement when necessary.

Ensuring that the oil is used at its optimal time, maintaining freshness and preserving the flavour of the product, is no longer unattainable. Furthermore, the continuous monitoring of the oil’s quality helps to reduce the risk of contamination and ensures that fried foods are always tasty and crispy.

Gas or Electric?


The standby function of the Evo Fryer keeps the oil temperature constant at 120°C, optimising costs.
When the fryer is not actively uses, the operator can activate the standby mode; this way, the oil will maintain the temperature of 120°C for quick and efficient reactivation when necessary.

This not only reduces energy consumption and costs associated with continuously heating the oil, but also helps preserve the quality of the oil itself, allowing for a longer life and reducing the need to replace it frequently.

MELTING function

The MELTING function in the Evo Fryer is useful when using solid fats. This special feature allows the fat to be gradually heated without spoiling the product.

Heating is designed to ensure that the temperature increases slowly and in a controlled manner, allowing solid fat to melt uniformly and without burning while maintaining its organoleptic properties and qualities unaltered.

Select your language

The Evo Fryer display offers an easy and intuitive user interface.
There are different languages available, Italian, English, German, French and Spanish, to ensure better understanding and ease of use.

Select the desired language from the options available in the settings menu, customising your experience according to your language preferences has never been easier.

Hot filtering in 5 minutes

Perfect frying every time

Thanks to automatic filtering, the Evo Olis fryer can use filtered oil with perfect organoleptic characteristics, guaranteeing crispy and golden frying.

The automatic hot oil filtering up to 180°C
allows greater operational efficiency and significant savings.
With a double level of filtering every residue is eliminated, guaranteeing fresh and high quality frying all the time.

Savings and safety with the convenient filter function without having to cool the oil first means it is possible to restore the oil to optimal cooking conditions even during service and be ready to restart frying in just 5 minutes.

Filtering Completed

Discover more about filtering

Loading/draining process

Less effort, greater cleanliness, easier work

The oil loading/draining process is easier now compared to the previous equipment. The operator can now work in complete safety without having to handle heavy loads, thus ensuring compliance with regulations and physical safety. The relevant connection pipe allows the mechanical pump of the Evo Fryer to drain the used oil directly into an external container and then, load new oil from an external source using the same pump operating in reverse.

Guided tank cleaning

Safer and easier cleaning

Time for cleaning at the end of the day. Evo Fryer includes a special program that provides the user with a step-by-step cleaning guide. The temperature is set so that the water in the tank is heated to a temperature that will remove the residual grease. Once the cleaning cycle has finished, the residue can be drained into an external container via the discharge pipe supplied.

GAS models

Available in basic version, with filtering system, with automatic basket lifters, or in Full version with filtering system and automatic basket lifters.

Capacità vasca 23L – Potenza Gas 25kw – Tensione Ac 220V- 50Hz


Available in basic version, with filtering system, with automatic basket lifters, or in Full version with filtering system and automatic basket lifters.

Capacità vasca 22L – Potenza elettrica 22kw – tensione Ac400V – 50/60Hz


Baron is always looking for solutions and technologies that support you in your everyday work.


Our Team of experts will develop the solution most suited to your needs.


A technical support team is always on hand to meet any after-sales service request.


Baron is always looking for solutions and technologies that support you in your everyday work.


Our Team of experts will develop the solution most suited to your needs.


A technical support team is always on hand to meet any after-sales service request.